The No-Go Campaign is a compilation of information for workers on labour rights. Contractual and working conditions that represent a minimum legal standard are presented clearly to educate (new) workers in the industry about what labour rights they have when they start a new job. GIFs pick up on labour rights, which are explored in more depth here on the website.
The aim of the project is to inform workers about their labour rights and to raise their awareness in order to strengthen them in asserting their own rights. Especially apprentices, mini-jobbers and workers with language barriers as well as new workers in the hospitality sector are informed about their rights with the No-Go campaign. An English version of the GIFs continues to address a broad target group.
The basis for information on contractual and working conditions is provided by labour law, which includes the following foundations in German law:
Furthermore, reference is made to relevant legal bases in the following laws:
On this website, all gender identities are addressed and considered equally through gender-sensitive wording. In this way, male and female workers are addressed as workers.
The term employer is not used in the opposite sense on this website, as we are not referring to a personal designation here, but rather use the term employer to refer to the anchoring of the authority to issue directives by a hierarchically superior, legally responsible institution. The personal representation of an employer can of course be filled by persons of all gender identities.
The project, funded by the Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Affairs, analyses structures that promote precarious employment and develops participation-oriented measures to implement Good Work. The project Joboption focuses on four service sectors: hospitality, cleaning, platform work and retail. Together with the social partners of each sector, measures are being developed in the project to counter precarious employment.
The results and findings of the project are passed on via district networks for the promotion of employment subject to social insurance contributions and through public relations work.
Actively shaping work together promotes productivity, creativity, and employee satisfaction. Recognising and applying possible design elements of work means being able to adapt to current challenges.
Work is subject to ongoing processes of change that need to be shaped together with the employees. Demographic change, changing customer expectations, increasing digitalisation and globalisation are influencing work processes and require new responses.
The Good Work Principles provide the basis for making work collaborative, equitable and productive.
We have extensive experience in organisational and personnel development. We would be happy to advise and accompany you on your way to an active and participation-oriented organisation of work.
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