Employment contracts can be agreed orally and in writing. You are therefore not entitled to a written employment contract. However, you do have the right to written evidence of the terms of your contract. This is called the employer's duty of proof.
This means that no later than one month after the start of your employment, your employer must give you written proof of when and where you work, what your work entails and for how much you are paid. The proof must be presented to you in writing, printed out and signed, and you may take it home for your records.
If your employer has not given you written proof of your working conditions after one month, you can ask your employer to do so. You can find a template here.
In general, only sign an employment contract if you understand everything! You always have the right to take the contract home and check it at your leisure. You are also allowed to seek advice before signing the contract/proof.
Keep your certificate or employment contract carefully for your records.
§ 2 Abs. 1 Nachweispflicht - Nachweisgesetz
Der Arbeitgeber hat spätestens einen Monat nach dem vereinbarten Beginn des Arbeitsverhältnisses die wesentlichen Vertragsbedingungen schriftlich niederzulegen, die Niederschrift zu unterzeichnen und dem Arbeitnehmer auszuhändigen. […]
Your employment contract should contain at least the essential contractual and working conditions. There must be two originals of the employment contract. One of them belongs to you and is for your records. Keep your employment contract in a safe place. The employer keeps the second original.
As a general rule, only sign an employment contract or document if you understand everything! You always have the right to take the contract home and check it at your leisure. You are also allowed to seek advice before signing the contract/proof.
According to the employer's duty of proof, the following must be recorded:
§ 2 Abs. 1 Nachweispflicht Nachweisgesetz
[…] In die Niederschrift sind mindestens aufzunehmen:
Der Nachweis der wesentlichen Vertragsbedingungen in elektronischer Form ist ausgeschlossen.
§ 105 Freie Gestaltung des Arbeitsvertrages Gewerbeordnung
Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer können Abschluss, Inhalt und Form des Arbeitsvertrages frei vereinbaren, soweit nicht zwingende gesetzliche Vorschriften, Bestimmungen eines anwendbaren Tarifvertrages oder einer Betriebsvereinbarung entgegenstehen. Soweit die Vertragsbedingungen wesentlich sind, richtet sich ihr Nachweis nach den Bestimmungen des Nachweisgesetzes.
An oral employment contract is just as legally valid as a written employment contract.
The oral contract arises from the employment relationship itself. All employment rights apply to an oral employment contract. In addition, oral employment contracts are open-ended. Fixed-term contracts must be in writing.
Your monthly wage payments and the obligation to register for social insurance prove your employment relationship. However, if there is no employment contract and no registration for social security, this may be a sign of undocumented work (moonlighting). Ask your employer for your social security registration certificate to be sure that your employer has registered you. You can also contact advice centres.
It is advisable to have a written contract about your working conditions. This makes it easier to claim labour rights in a conflict situation, for example, because you have evidence. However, the employer's obligation to provide written evidence also applies to an oral employment contract. (see Employment Contract: 1. Do I have a legal right to an employment contract?)
If your employer has not given you written proof of your working conditions after one month, you can ask your employer to do so. You can find a template<a value="https://cdn.website-editor.net/s/dad47fcfae544bd99afb0bfe61408813/files/uploaded/2025_Bereitstellung_Meldebescheinigung_SV.docx" label="" type="file" href="https://cdn.website-editor.net/s/dad47fcfae544bd99afb0bfe61408813/files/uploaded/2025_Bereitstellung_Meldebescheinigung_SV.docx" file="true" data-runtime-url="https://cdn.website-editor.net/s/dad47fcfae544bd99afb0bfe61408813/files/uploaded/2025_Bereitstellung_Meldebescheinigung_SV.docx"> here.
As a trainee, you are entitled to a written vocational training contract.
This means that at the latest before you start your training, your employer, who is known as your trainer, must give you written proof of when, where and for how much pay you work. In particular, your occupation and your training objectives must be named.
The proof must be presented to you in writing and printed out. Both parties must sign the contract, that is, you and your trainer. You may take the contract home for your records.
As a general rule, only sign an employment contract or document if you understand everything! You always have the right to take the contract home and check it at your leisure. You are also allowed to seek advice before signing the contract/proof.
Keep your certificate or employment contract carefully for your records.
You can also find information in this Federal Employment Agency's guide.
§ 11 Abs. 1-2 Vertragsniederschrift Berufsbildungsgesetz
(1) Ausbildende haben unverzüglich nach Abschluss des Berufsausbildungsvertrages, spätestens vor Beginn der Berufsausbildung, den wesentlichen Inhalt des Vertrages gemäß Satz 2 schriftlich niederzulegen; die elektronische Form ist ausgeschlossen. In die Niederschrift sind mindestens aufzunehmen:
(2) Die Niederschrift ist von den Ausbildenden, den Auszubildenden und deren gesetzlichen Vertretern und Vertreterinnen zu unterzeichnen.
Labour law is the basis for all employment relationships. This is therefore the minimum standard that applies.
If your employment contract states a worse condition, for example less than 24 working days of holiday per year, then the Federal Holidays Act applies and not your employment contract. (see Holiday: 2. How many days of leave am I entitled to?)
Your employment contract (transcript) must describe your activities, i.e. your work tasks. This is important for you for two reasons in particular:
§ 2 Abs. 1 Ziff. 5 Nachweispflicht Nachweisgesetz
[…] In die Niederschrift sind mindestens aufzunehmen: eine kurze Charakterisierung oder Beschreibung der vom Arbeitnehmer zu leistenden Tätigkeit.
Your employer will need the following documents from you when you are hired:
Your employer may require additional information from you:
You do not have to hand over your documents to your employer, you always keep them yourself. Copies are sufficient for employers. It is best to avoid giving your original identity papers to your employer, as you may become a victim of forced labour.
The probationary period may last a maximum of six months. The probationary period serves to test the new working relationship between you and your employer and your joint cooperation. During the probationary period, you are employed, which means that you are covered by social and health insurance, receive full pay and are entitled to holidays. The probationary period is limited by law to a maximum of six months. During the probationary period, simplified notice periods apply.
You will also be entitled to pro-rata holiday during the probationary period. This means that if you have 24 days of annual leave in your contract, you are entitled to two days of holiday per month.
You can read more about this and other myths about the probationary period here.
§ 622 Abs. 3 Kündigungsfristen bei Arbeitsverhältnissen - Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch
Während einer vereinbarten Probezeit, längstens für die Dauer von sechs Monaten, kann das Arbeitsverhältnis mit einer Frist von zwei Wochen gekündigt werden.
Trial work is to be distinguished from probationary period. (see Employment Contract: 8. How long can my probationary period be?)
Trial work is not enshrined in law. However, there is case law on the subject. In case law, trial work is also called a suitability test.
Trial work is therefore intended to familiarise you with the company, the team and your future tasks. An important distinction from employment is that there is no obligation to perform work during the trial period and it does not last longer than seven days.
However, under the guise of trial work, attempts are sometimes made to have people work in a company for a longer period of time without a contract, i.e. without registering with social security and without corresponding wage compensation. This is not permitted.
However, if you are already doing tasks yourself, then this is wage work and you are also entitled to the full wage retroactively. If your employer wants you to do trial work for a longer period of time without registering you with the social security, this is an indication of undocumented work (moonlighting).
„Der Zweck des Einfühlungsverhältnisses ist es, einem potenziellen Arbeitnehmer die Möglichkeit zu geben, die betrieblichen Gegebenheiten kennen zu lernen und die Voraussetzungen der Zusammenarbeit für ein späteres Arbeits- oder Ausbildungsverhältnis zu klären. […] Einfühlungsverhältnis[se] [sind] allerdings nicht unbegrenzt statthaft, sondern nur, wenn keine Pflicht zur Arbeitsleistung vereinbart wird und das Rechtsverhältnis nur für kurze Zeit besteht.“
If you do not have an employment contract and receive your wages in cash, this is allowed. However, it can also be a sign of undocumented work, i.e. moonlighting. Be sure to check whether your employer has registered you for social security and pension insurance. Usually you will receive proof of registration with your first pay slip (sample proof of registration).
If you have not received proof, ask your employer for it. You can find a template here.
If you work and do not receive a wage for it, your employer is in breach of the Minimum Wage Act. You can file a complaint with the local Financial Investigation Office for Clandestine Employment. You should also - or maybe first - contact a suitable advice centre.
Fixed-term contracts are common in many sectors. A basic distinction must be made between a fixed-term contract with a material reason and a fixed-term contract without a material reason. Different reasons for a fixed-term contract are specified in the relevant legislation, e.g. a temporary need for additional labour or a replacement on parental leave.
A fixed-term contract with a material reason can be longer than two years. A fixed-term contract without material reason (often for a calendar period) is intended for a maximum of two years. A fixed-term contract without material reason can be extended up to three times, as long as the legal maximum of two years is not exceeded.
Background information and further tips on what to look out for can be found in the brochure of the trade union ver.di (here).
§ 14 Abs. 1-2 Zulässigkeit der Befristung Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz
(1) Die Befristung eines Arbeitsvertrages ist zulässig, wenn sie durch einen sachlichen Grund gerechtfertigt ist. Ein sachlicher Grund liegt insbesondere vor, wenn
(2) Die kalendermäßige Befristung eines Arbeitsvertrages ohne Vorliegen eines sachlichen Grundes ist bis zur Dauer von zwei Jahren zulässig; bis zu dieser Gesamtdauer von zwei Jahren ist auch die höchstens dreimalige Verlängerung eines kalendermäßig befristeten Arbeitsvertrages zulässig. […]
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